Bamboo Toothbrush Disposal

How to dispose of bamboo toothbrush properly from Bamkiki.jpg

How to dispose of your bamboo toothbrush properly after use?

When you need to replace a used bamboo toothbrush, it is recommended to separate the head and handle of the toothbrush. You can use a pair of secateur or pull the bristles off before disposing the compostable handle. Please follow the steps below on how to separate the head and the handle of the bamboo toothbrush.

  1. Cut the head of the bamboo toothbrush using a pair of garden secateur.

  2. Dispose of the head of the toothbrush in the garbage bin.

  3. Dispose of the handle of the toothbrush in the green(garden waste) bin.

  4. Alternatively, place the handle of the toothbrush in a compost bin as the bamboo is biodegradable and compostable.

Please watch the video below on how to dispose of your used bamboo toothbrush properly. 


Once you have a new toothbrush replaced, please check our video on how to care for your bamboo toothbrush.